South Montgomery County is one of the fastest-growing residential and employment centers in the Greater Houston area. The purpose of the Mobility Study was to forecast future growth, envision scenarios for future development, assess the current status of and plan future improvements to street networks, intelligent transportation systems, pedestrian and bicycle networks and other relevant transportation modes.
The scope of work included:
- Analysis of current and future conditions (e.g., population, employment, other relevant demographics, roadway network, and economic development)
- Identification of traffic bottlenecks and facilities with high congestion levels and/or adverse or unsafe conditions
- Evaluation of roadways with design deficiencies, deteriorated physical condition and/or inadequate capacity, as well as those which require improved traffic control and management
- Assessment of performance of both the current roadway network and expected future roadway network based on assignments of current and future travel demand
The study also included a list of recommended improvements incorporating cost estimates, implementation timeframes, and likely funding sources.